Claris Home Page Lite Template Documents Claris Home Page Lite includes a number of templates for use in small business, home, personal and education contexts. Each of the documents is easily customizable by replacing the text with your own information. Whether you would like to build your own personal Web page, publish your organization's newsletter, put your business on the Web or simply create a calendar, these templates can be your building blocks. Many of the templates have notes that will guide you on what types of information to use and where to place the information. The templates include a number of different styles, such as Natural or School. There are also a number of Web site examples such as the Presentation Template. In this folder, you will find the necessary files to create a presentation. In the Small Bus Example there is an example of a company's Web site, including ideas on how to present your company or organization on the Web. Within the Styles folder, you will find a number of styles, each with Web sites with the various design elements. For example, if you like the Stone style, you can use it to build a newsletter or a company site. You can build your personal page to match and include a calendar too! Do this by simply replacing the text in the templates with your own. TIPS ------------------------------------------------ 1) All images for the templates are contained in an Images folder. It is good practice to do this, especially if you plan to upload your files to a server. As you customize the templates, you may want to add more images. Make sure they are inside the same images folder within the site folder. 2) Adding pages is easy. Do this by copying one of the template pages whose layout you would like to follow. You can change the Document Title of the page in the Document Options dialog box. 3) As you work with your Web page, you may want to choose Document Statistics from the Edit menu to see how long the download time is estimated for your Web page. If it gets too large (over 20 seconds), it is less likely that the viewers will wait for it to download and they'll probably move onto another page.